Friday, October 17, 2008

The Last of the First-- The First of the Lasts

So I just got home from the last home game of my first year of high school marching band. It's really sad, actually. I had two seniors in my line (I was the only freshman in my line :D), and it will be weird not to see them, or any other part of my line, every B day and every Tuesday and Thursday from 7-8:30. I really got to know the people next to me. I will really miss them. I think I might make them each a card. Also, it signifies the beginning of a long string of endings- not only of home football games but of everything in life. Nothing really lasts forever on Earth. (Which is a good thing and a bad thing...) I have 3 more last home games left. It's really sad, again. It's crazy to think about life like that. It's like thinking "in 16 years, I'll be 30. In 4 (ish) years, I'll graduating." It's all kinda scary. I remember my first game this year. It was so scary even though we didn't get to march on the field (it was super wet). It was so surreal actually being in the band. I have grown up loving the marching band, even when they weren't so good. It was crazy to wear the uniform and play with the people I used to watch and look up to. Now, my first season is over. I think I'll go cry. jk :D

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Okay, so this kinda stupid, but

I probably had one of my proudest moments of my life, this week. Perhaps you will recall a previous blog, written by me, about a boy that Ms. Nelson and I were working on to get into speech team, and then he said that he was going to do it. Well, this boy (M) happened to try out for the school play, "Up the Down Staircase" and got the part of Jose Rodrigez. Everyone who tried out got a part, so it wasn't a big triumph on his, or anybody's, part. Well, we were in play practice, and I decided to actually pay attention to how well everyone was doing. I noticed that anytime M did something, it was really good. His inflection all the way to just how he sat was perfect for his character. I was really impressed. Here's a boy who's in his first theatre experience, doing better than those in their 5th. When I told him he was doing a really good job, he seemed surprised and really proud. I could tell this was something he was enjoying and was glad that he was doing well. I know he's excited for more opportunities, and I can't wait to see what he does.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Yesterday was my last performance of Banjo Boy (a world premiere of a new musical about Meredith Willson) and of the summer. We had a really strong performance. Everyone was on. Probably the best performance of the run. It helped that we had a huge, reacting audience. That really helps, actually. We were also archiving and getting a recording for a cast album. :D I'm pretty sure we get a copy of at least the cast album and maybe the archival video. I don't know for sure, though. Then, we had strike. I helped Jennie with the costumes as I had before. I made this huge tape ball out of the blue painters' tape we used to label tables and whatnot. We sorted out laundry and made sure we had everything. People were designated as "Basement Cleaners." They organized costume stuff into boxes and swept the floor. The basement was spotless. We cleaned all the tables and counters and swept the floors of the dressing rooms and make-up room. They looked hardly breathed in. We loaded some accessories and coats into Joan's car. Then, it was time to say good-bye. Some interns were leaving that night. Most, today. It was sadder than I thought it would be. I spent 2/3 of my summer with them, and they were leaving. I hugged everyone, except Geoff (he patted me on the back-fine with me :D). Careth, my buddy, was probably one of the hardest people to say good-bye to. :C I'll most likely never see or hear of most of them again. I guess we have Facebook. I hope that I can see most of them again. :D They are all so talented. I will miss them a lot. And that's what I did with my last 3 days of summer.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

What I Did On My Summer Vacation............

Do you remember those papers you would have to write when you were younger about what you did on your summer vacation? (I hated those. FQR) Well, this is kinda one. I started my summer rather slow. ish. I had to help with Bible School. I also sang pit choir for FACT's production of PIPPIN. Then started Joseph. We had rehearsal a lot. Then the actual show, which went amazingly well. (I was in the Youth Choir (for the 2nd time, I might add)). Then, I was (and currently still is in) Banjo Boy. (A new work about what Meredith Willson's regrets.) Yeah, so I haven't had a summer since the end of June. Still, I'm super excited to go back to school and start HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forgot to add that I went to All-State Camp. I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss it. :C Soon school will start and my life will remain complicated, but just complicated enough. :D ~Sarah* -FQR- FQR= For Questions and Research

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Remember that posting a while ago in which I was ranting a ton??? Well, you may recall me mentioning that I paint. Here are some of my paintings. WARNING: They are not for everyone. They are very odd. I won't be offended if you don't like them. I will understand. They are really strange.

"Soon It Will ALL BE CLEAR"

"Hidden Among Chaos"

"Through My Muddled Emotions"

"Our Target Audience"

"The Mirror"

"Sorry Mom, but I can't Paint Flowers"

"A Gift for Shannon" (oil pastels)

"The Yellow Brick Road" (oil pastels)

"An Easy-to-Keep Promise"

"The Tinted Windows Guarding Lovers From Reality"

So there you have it. There will be more later. Let me know what you think: POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE CRITICISM IS ACCEPTED!!!!! :D

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Super Contagious-- Yet Self-Caused, Disease

Facebook Yes, I have succumbed. IT EATS YOU UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's super fun and super time-consuming. I get on the computer just to use Facebook. I think I may have a problem. I think I need to go to Facebook Users Anonymous. "Hi...Uh...My name is Sarah....and I have an addiction to Facebook." *applause* Join if you have no life. If you already have a life, as I did, don't join! You will be swallowed up by it!!!!!!!!!!!! It is super fun though. For example, I play Harry Potter Trivia- I'm a SCHOLAR. I also have 89 friends. Yes, I do know all of them. And, yes, Ms. Nelson, I am using my hostile-looking picture as my picture! :^@ To summarize, Facebook eats you up.

Friday, June 13, 2008

So this week, at my church, we had Bible School. The theme was Power Lab or something like that. Basically, science!!!!!! yay!!! I was with the preschoolers. I really do not like kids. I am a major control freak, as I have already stated, so kids frustrate me. Today was the last day. We decided to build a fort. I don't know why but it kept them occupied. So one boy hit this girl. She started crying, and our leader took them aside. She made him apologize. He went under a table and cried. I understood it as a remorse attack. Whether it was remorse for hitting her or getting caught isn't relevant, in my opinion. It just surprised me that a preschooler would have such strong emotions. I don't have that strong of emotions and I'm in high schooler. I guess it just proves that we are all different.
By the way, I have bronchitis, and I want to shoot my bronchial tubes.