Saturday, September 27, 2008

Okay, so this kinda stupid, but

I probably had one of my proudest moments of my life, this week. Perhaps you will recall a previous blog, written by me, about a boy that Ms. Nelson and I were working on to get into speech team, and then he said that he was going to do it. Well, this boy (M) happened to try out for the school play, "Up the Down Staircase" and got the part of Jose Rodrigez. Everyone who tried out got a part, so it wasn't a big triumph on his, or anybody's, part. Well, we were in play practice, and I decided to actually pay attention to how well everyone was doing. I noticed that anytime M did something, it was really good. His inflection all the way to just how he sat was perfect for his character. I was really impressed. Here's a boy who's in his first theatre experience, doing better than those in their 5th. When I told him he was doing a really good job, he seemed surprised and really proud. I could tell this was something he was enjoying and was glad that he was doing well. I know he's excited for more opportunities, and I can't wait to see what he does.