Saturday, March 29, 2008

Watch Out World!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, around 11:15, I received my driving permit!!!!! Now I can drive at any time with a parent/guardian over age 21 or any adult over age 25 with a written permission from my parent/guardian. Despite that small bump, I CAN LEGALLY DRIVE!!!!! I went driving with my mom. I did not hit anything!!!! Of course, we were only on residential roads and she backed up anytime we needed to, but I DROVE!!!!! Ever since I was little, I could hardly wait to drive. I can't wait for my full license!!! For now, I will have to settle on driving with my parents. It's better than not being able to drive.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Generation NOW

So I'm in this group with Shannon: Generation NOW. It's a show choir at our civic center. It's a bunch of 8th-12th graders. It seems like Shannon and I don't really fit in with everyone else/we aren't really well liked. We are kinda weird, but really, guys, come on, don't judge. We have fun with it. I don't want to sound cocky or anything, but Shannon is the the best soprano and I would say that I am the best Alto there. (There are only 3 altos. :j)Anywho! People just don't really seem to like us. I think they are just jealous. P.S. Don't give me any comment that says "Humble or Modest, are we?" or none of that crap. I know that was not a modest/humble thing to say. Don't tell me that.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Random things

So this is my late tribute to St. Patrick's Day. Plus you can learn a bit about me! What Your Shamrock Says About You You have a logical mind, and you pay a lot of attention to details. You are very organized. Sometimes you find thinking creatively to be a challenge. You prefer to deal with the facts at hand. You don't really consider yourself a lucky person. In your view, people create their own luck. You are traditional, easy going, and appreciative of the simple things in life. Also, here is another one (in honor of my love of chewing/bubble gum): You Are Cinnamon Flavored Gum You are daring, active, and a little outrageous. You crave adventure and novelty. You like to mix things up. Your personality is extra spicy and larger than life. You love to have fun, and you are passionate about everything you do. You're definitely a fiery person, and you don't back down from a fight. Most people love your fire - but you can be a bit too intense at times!


Wednesday morning I had the most terrifying experience of my life. I was playing with my dog like I do every other morning. These huge crows (about 4) went in the trees around me. They started cawing at each other. It was really ominous. Then they started flying. It seemed like they were coming towards me. How is this terrifying? you may ask. Well, let me explain.

For almost as long as I can remember, I have been terrified of birds. No, I haven't seen the movie The Birds. I'm just deathly afraid of them. So, for me, this was terrifying. You may laugh at my "stupid" fear, but just you wait. One day, this world will be ruled by them. Then you will realize why someone would be scared of them.

Ok, I know,

I haven't posted recently. I've just been really busy. I normally don't get too stressed out about really anything. I always have some stress, but it's not extreme. This past week was a major stress attack. We had Images of Greatness last night. We had to research someone we thought was an image of greatness. We made a display, wrote an essay and a bio-riddle, and make some food that related to them. We had basically 5 days to memorize our bio-riddle. Mine was 3 1/2 pages! Then we had to perform the bio-riddles, set up our displays, and share our food. It went, actually, really well. My person was Dorothea Lange. She was a photo-journalist during the Depression and WWII. I made a migrant worker farm (dirt cake with pictures of produce on toothpicks sticking out of it.) Then after that, I went to one of my friends houses. It was Shannon, me, and 4 boys (two are attached and the other are just friends, so don't get any ideas!) We were going to watch 3:10 to Yuma, but instead, we just talked. It was really cool. It kinda felt like a slumber party, except we didn't stay over. It was awesome to just talk with people. There are all in GOAL so they aren't stupid. They are all so down-to-earth. It's cool to know that 8th graders can have an open (and opinion-filled) discussion about not only people but issues. Of course, we did talk about people, (Who doesn't?) but we also talked about just life in general. EYE-OPENING EXPERIENCE.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Not-so-Famous, yet important, Holiday.

Yesterday, March 8th and every March 8th, was International Women's Day. As a feminist, I decided that I am one, I appreciate this holiday. There's a boy in my grade who loves to tell me sexist jokes. He said that he was going to call me with a bunch of them yesterday. He didn't. I was happy. I hope you will always celebrate International Women's Day. CELEBRATE THE WOMEN IN YOUR LIFE!!!!! O t (That is my really bad symbol for women.) ~Sarah*

Friday, March 7, 2008

Question #1

Why do middle schoolers ask questions that they know that they other person will probably not answer? Is it because there is a tiny little chance that they like you enough to answer the question truthfully? Why does everyone have a secret? Does everyone have a secret? Why does everyone want to know their secret(s)? Wouldn't life be easier if we all just said everything we thought instead of keeping everything inside? Isn't thinking things just as bad as saying it? Why are we always so curious? (Or a better question) Why are there so many things to be curious about?

(I like questions. I will have more. : 7)

Thursday, March 6, 2008


I started this blog because my GOAL (Talented And Gifted) class teacher talked about hers all the friggin time. I always thought blogging would be cool but didn't know how to start. Now I'm sitting here typing this bloggityblog with my right hand only, talking on my cellular device to my buddy, Shannon, screaming "FRIGGIN!" every time I hit the wrong key (which is, like every 5 seconds), and laughing hysterically each time. Now I'm being forced to go take a shower and go to bedditybed. CYA!